Information... |
Useful phone numbers, contact addresses etc... |
Contacts |
Scottish Borders Tourist Board
Northumbria Tourist Board
Scottish Border Trails
Tourist Information
Scottish Border Trails
Tourist Information
Scottish Border Trails
Otterburn Camp Range Control
Kielder Partnership
Tourist Information
Tourist Information
Cycle Hire |
Borders Cycles
Leaplish Waterside Park
Consett Bicycle Company
Cycle Services
Haugh Head Garage
Cycle Dealers/Spares |
George Pennel Cycles
Wilson Cycles
Teviot Cycles
Simon Porteous Cycles
Miscellaneous |
Looking for accommodation? Try RoomFinderScotland |
Check the tides if you're crossing to Holy Island (NB: search for "Holy Island") |
The Scottish Outdoor Training Centre at Glenmore Lodge offers outdoor activity courses in rock climbing, hillwalking, mountaineering, ski-touring, kayaking, canoeing, sea kayaking, first aid, orienteering and teambuilding, all year round. |
Find out about the John Muir Trust and the John Muir Centre |
| is a website which celebrates the arts and culture of the Clyde Valley. |
The Bike List is a website which provides a variety of resources for comparing, buying and selling bike-related gear.
All original material on these pages copyright © 1996-2024