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55. Blake Muir

start: Gordon Arms, Yarrow Valley
distance: 14 miles
OS map: 73

Blake Muir route mapA shortish route but traversing some high ground as it follows part of the Southern Uplands Way. Blake Muir is the name of one of the high points reached at about 460 metres.

Follow the road from the Gordon Arms towards St Mary's Loch but after a mile, turn R along a track just by a bridge at Craig Douglas. The track leads to Blackhouse where it joins the Southern Upland Way. The route heads heads upwards fairly steeply and passing through woods. The gradient eases and when you emerge from the trees onto open hillside the views are really quite fine.

The trail is easy to follow as it undulates to Blake Muir. Over to your left is the Glen Estate. Experience tells me that cyclists are not welcome there, so don't stray too far in that direction...

There's a long rambling descent until the track joins the road a mile or so short of Traquair. Turn R and head up to the watershed before enjoying the roll back down to the pub.

jb, galashiels

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