47. Linlithgowstart: South Queensferry
Starting almost from under the rail bridge, head along the front and don't follow the main road up the hill for Kirkliston - instead, take the road for Queensferry and look for signs to Hopetoun House. Uphill slightly, under the road bridge and there's a R turn leading back down towards the shore. In a mile or so go through the imposing gateway and up the main driveway towards the house. Before reaching the house itself bear L towards a garden centre and pass to the L, and in front of, a small ticket office. Past the car park the road bears round to the R and into open country with a stone wall on your R. At a T junction with the public road turn R for Abercorn church. This road kinks L then R and there's a small road off to the church. Go through the churchyard heading diagonally R past the church to find a small gate behind it. Go through the gate and turn L onto a track. After only a few yards there's a path on the R which leads down through the trees. It's clearly signed for pedestrians only so please respect this and get off to walk down the hill - this ain't a right of way and no one's going to thank cyclists who ignore the notice...;-( There's a bridge over a stream and a wider track leading through Wester Shore Wood - no problem cycling here. Easy riding now brings you out by a football pitch in Blackness - take a few minutes to go and look at the castle. The route now follows a right of way to Bo'ness. For the most part, it's OK but there are one or two places where you'll need to get off and push. Part way along the path goes 'inland' a bit behind a wall and through some trees - choose your own variation here. After a while it goes back to rejoin the waterfront and eventually comes into the edge of Bo'ness by a sawmill. Turn L up the hill past two churches. It's a bit of a haul up to the main road. turn L then R still going up. At the top of the hill there are good views to the Pentlands, Arthur's Seat, the Bridges, Fife and the Ochils. Head down towards Linlithgow and turn R at (014 788) to take you over the motorway and down to Linlithgow Loch. Take the path round it's northern edge and make your way into the town's main street. Go along the main street past the town hall, fork R at a mini roundabout heading up towards a rail bridge over the road. Just under the bridge, turn R signed for 'Canal Basin' and you'll find access to the towpath up here. Follow the towpath for six miles or so to just past Winchburgh - Niddry Castle is on the L. Follow the minor road now to join the B9080 and turn R heading into Kirkliston. Go straight ahead and keep the Drambuie HQ on your R. Straight across at the lights and access to the cycle track is just by the bridge in 100m or so. The track will take you to Dalmeny where you can pick up the B924 and enjoy the roll down under the rail bridge and back into South Queensferry. jb, galashiels Download GPS data in GPX format. Wester Shore Woods, Abercorn Union Canal Blackness Castle and the Bridges Linlithgo Palace Union Canal |