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63. Pencaitland Railway

start: Pencaitland
distance: 17 miles
OS map: 66

Pencaitland Railway route mapThe route meanders through parts of East Lothian and we make use of the Pencaitland Railway Cycle Route. The line was built in 1901 and was used mostly for freight from the mines in the area. Passenger services stopped in 1933 and the line was closed in 1964.

There is a small parking area just to the west of the village at (436 687) by the side of some large silos. This gives access to the cycle route. Head south to the end of the route at (454 666). Turn R onto the road, then immediately L to go past Duncrahill. Turn L at the T junction.

You'll soon pass a farm entrance on the R just before the road kinks L then R at Nether Keith. The road now turns to a track. Follow it round until farm buildings come into view on the R. The farm is marked as Keith Marischal and would probably have been lands given by some king or other to one of his 'marshalls' in days of yore.

Turn L down a wooded avenue to reach the B6371. Turn R and it's easy cycling now for about 3 miles. Note the statue of a shepherd and dog at Peaston Farm. Don't go quite as far as the main A6093 but take a L turn at the bottom of the hill. Follow round, taking a R turn to bring you out onto the main road. Go L for a few yards then take a R turn for Cousland. It's a bit of a climb as you approach the village.

At the end of the main street turn R to go downhill to the A6124. Turn R and go over the rise to find a small parking area that marks this end of the cycle route. It's about 4 miles now back to the start at Pencaitland. Note the 'headstones' along the way which were put up as reminders of the various pits that were such a part of the area's mining history.

jb, galashiels

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Bellyford Pit, Pencaitland Railway

Bellyford Pit, Pencaitland Railway

shepherd and dog, Peaston near Pencaitland

shepherd and dog, Peaston near Pencaitland

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