27. Scroofstart: Clovenfords, Galashiels
Start from Clovenfords on the Galashiels to Peebles road - pub and shop if required. Head N going uphill out of the village and, after less than half a mile, take a L turn heading W. Follow this to Blackhaugh where you take a L turn for a steepish ascent. This tarred road gives way eventually to a track and descends slightly to follow this remote valley to an abandoned cottage at Scroof. This is a fine spot on a sunny day but pretty bleak otherwise. Now for the push. The path marked on the map doesn't exist but you need to head up the hillside going NE. Work your way through the heather and up to the saddle. There's a vague track now aiming towards some woodland, and a route through it, at (420 437). Work down the hillside and pass The Lodge on your L. Go NE then SE, pass through Lugate and down to the road. Turn R and after a mile or so the road starts to go uphill. You could go this way or, as an alternative route, take the track on your L at (449 412) and follow it down to join another road which heads uphill then gives a good run back down into Clovenfords. jb, gala Download GPS data in GPX format. |