8. Ildertonstart: Haugh Head, Wooler
A couple of hundred yds south of the garage there's a track on the R. It's possible to leave a car down here by the ford. Take the ford through the Wooler Water, and then climb up to a crossroads, turn L onto the metalled road which leads down to another ford, then up to pass through North Middleton Farm to a T junction. Turn R, go round a sharp bend to another T junction. Turn L here onto the rough track that climbs over a ridge to descend to a ford through the Lilburn Burn and then climbs up gently to the crossroads at Ilderton. Turn R onto the metalled road which bends L to reach Ilderton Moor Farm and a gate onto a rough track. Join the track down to the ford through the Roddam Burn and up to another metalled road. Go straight ahead, at first junction keep L and follow the road, which now forms the Eastern boundary of the National Park, passing Reaveley Greens, down to a T junction by a car park and toilets at Ingram Bridge. There's an Information Centre in the village. Go back over the bridge, then straight ahead alongside the river to a bend in the road at Brandon. Go round the bend then leave the road on a rough track leading uphill straight ahead. Follow this track over the hills for almost two miles until it meets a road, turn L onto this road until the entrance to Roddam Rigg where you turn R to a crossroads. Go straight across, past the junction to the castellated Roddam Farm, round the grounds of Roddam Hall and down to a bridge over the Roddam Burn. Up to a T junction. Turn L here passing Roseden Farm. Join the rough track uphill to a gate, follow the clear track across the fields over Roseden Edge to descend to another gate and down into Ilderton village. Turn R at Ilderton crossroads and follow the road down to the A697 where you turn L. Pass the Station House Restaurant then turn R for Lilburn. Follow the road alongside the Lilburn Burn with the grounds of Lilburn Tower to your L. At the first junction turn L, keep L at the next junction, around a L and R hand bend up to Lilburn Hill Farm. Follow the road down through three sharp bends to the main A697 and back to Haugh Head. haugh head garage, wooler Download GPS data in GPX format. |