Glen Ample

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Another route from the pen of Ian McGregor.

The Route...

OS maps 51, 57
distance 30 miles
references: Scottish Hill Tracks, section 9

This is a standard classic hill route from Loch Earnside to Loch Lubnaig and Balquhidder with a return to the starting point.

The route can be easily modified to include the Glen Finglass route starting at Brig o'Turk, down Glen Buckie to Balquhidder and then on to this Glen Ample route and back to Brig O' Turk, giving a total distance of 55 miles and taking about 6 hours.

Take the south Loch Earn side road and park at the foot of Glen Ample in the parking area.

Follow the R.O.W. up the Glen and over the coll on a mixture of landrover track and path. The col can be very wet and is often better walked than cycled.

There is an information board at the start of the route directing you to the ruins of houses that once existed in the Glen.

Once over the coll and descending on landrover track you will come to a gate with a stile. Beyond the gate the R.O.W. is signposted down into the trees to Ardchullarlie, don't take this route but stick to the forest track which drops steeply at first and then breaks left to run parallel to, but out of sight of and well above, Loch Lubnaig.

The forest track soon levels out and eventually drops down through a couple of bends to the A84 at Loch Lubnaig opposite a parking area.

Follow the road in the direction of Callander until you come to the signpost to the forest cabins and the bridge over the river Leny, not far below the outflow from the loch.

Take the cycleway to Strathyre and then pick up the single track road to Stoneslaney and Balquhidder. From Balquhidder take the minor road out to the Kingshouse and then on the main road back to where you parked the car.

There are obviously a number of variations on the starting point, a good alternative is to park near the Loch Lubnaig Forest cabins reversing the route, the choice is yours.

ian mcgregor, clackmannan


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